Modern Japanese Gardens ACC distribution titles 9781788842228 A garden

Modern Japanese Gardens ACC distribution titles 9781788842228 A garden

Цена: 5800 руб.RUB

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Категория: Книги, Книги об искусстве / Книги об архитектуре, Прочее
Производитель: ACC-distribution titles
Артикул: 9781788842228

A Japanese garden represents the essence of Japanese culture, embodying the country’s spirit and philosophy. It has a distinctive style, quality of materials and emphasis on details. Modern Japanese Gardens captures this spirit through the work of 20 contemporary Japanese garden design masters. The gardens featured in Modern Japanese Gardens are drawn from a variety of locations in Japan, placed in different settings, from private houses and temples to cafes, restaurants and stores. Some are of traditional appearance
others have a distinctly modern aesthetic. In common, all the gardens have been influenced by Japanese culture and society, created by masters who are internationally recognized and lauded for their skills. Modern Japanese Gardens includes insightful text on each garden, revealing the concept behind the design and the use of plants, alongside photography exploring both the detail and the overall aesthetic that shape the design.

Магазин: Podpisnie

ISBN: 9781788842228
Язык: Английский
Объем: 224
Автор: Sawada S.,Sawada S.
Формат: 220x268,Твёрдый
Издательство: ACC-distribution Названиеs
Год: 2023
Количество страниц: 224
Переплет: Твёрдый
Count: 1
Авторы: Sawada S.
Год публикации: 2023
Ссылки на авторов:Автор_sawada-s

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