Artists Homes: Designing Spaces for Living a Creative Life ACC distribution titles 9781864709018

Artists' Homes: Designing Spaces for Living a Creative Life ACC distribution titles 9781864709018

Цена: 5196 руб.RUB

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Категория: Книги, Книги об искусстве / Книги об архитектуре, Архитектура, Интерьеры
Производитель: ACC-distribution titles
Артикул: 9781864709018

Creative souls have always craved a space in which to bring forth their artistic ideas and develop their practice. Continuing the tradition of the contemporary arts practitioner working from a home studio, many creative folk will often prefer to carve out a space within their own residence. Artists' Homes examines the residences of a select group of professional artists who work across a broad range of artistic styles, from writing, photography, and painting through to music, sculpture, and pottery (and more). As well as presenting an exciting journey through the design, construction, and function of these spaces, this book provides a unique glimpse into these artists' beautiful home environs from around the world, and shares how each of these modern craftspeople and artists takes inspiration from the transformation of their home interiors and surroundings to live a creative life.

Магазин: Podpisnie

ISBN: 9781864709018
Язык: Английский
Объем: 256
Формат: 208x256,Твёрдый
Издательство: ACC-distribution Названиеs
Год: 2021
Количество страниц: 256
Переплет: Твёрдый
Count: 1
Год публикации: 2021

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