The Graybar Hotel CanonGate 978 1 78689 113 6 A man sits collect calling

The Graybar Hotel CanonGate 978 1 78689 113 6 A man sits collect calling

Цена: 1888 1147 руб.RUB

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Категория: Художественная литература, Книги на иностранных языках, Книги на английском языке
Производитель: CanonGate
Артикул: 978-1-78689-113-6

A man sits collect-calling strangers every day just to hear the sounds of the outside world
an inmate recalls his descent into addiction as his prison softball team gears up for an annual tournament
a prisoner is released and finds freedom more complex and baffling than he expected.In this stunning debut story collection, Curtis Dawkins, who is currently serving a life sentence without parole, offers a glimpse into the reality of prison life through the eyes of the people who spend their days and years behind bars. .

Магазин: Буквоед

ISBN: 978-1-78689-113-6
Объем: 210
Автор: Dawkins C.
Издательство: CanonGate
Год: 2018
Код номенклатуры: ORS824572311383184
Электронная: Нет
noСкидка: no

The Graybar Hotel CanonGate 978 1 78689 113 6

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