Love Eternal = Вечная любовь: на англ яз RUGRAM_ 978 5 521 06629 2 The young

Love Eternal = Вечная любовь: на англ яз RUGRAM_ 978 5 521 06629 2 The young

Цена: 1397 849 руб.RUB

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Категория: Художественная литература, Книги на иностранных языках, Книги на английском языке
Производитель: RUGRAM_
Артикул: 978-5-521-06629-2

The young Godfrey Knight, the son of a puritanical parson, who lives in the Essex countryside. From childhood on, he and his neighbor, Isobel Blake, the daughter of a wealthy, boorish shipping magnate, have been strangely drawn to one another, although their natures are wholly dissimilar. Whereas Godfrey is a dreamer, Isobel is a hardheaded materialist. Despite their fathers' many attempts to keep them apart, the two do unite in matrimony, but unfortunately, their earthly happiness is a short-lived one. But, as the author makes abundantly clear, their reunion in the realm of the afterlife will surely be a glorious one...

Магазин: Буквоед

ISBN: 978-5-521-06629-2
Объем: 372
Автор: Хаггард Генри Райдер
Издательство: RUGRAM_
Год: 2018
Код номенклатуры: ITD000000001062244
Электронная: Нет
noСкидка: no

Love Eternal = Вечная любовь: на англ яз RUGRAM_ 978 5 521 06629 2

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