Crystal The Snow Fairy Orchard Book 9781843626336 Jack Frost has promised not to

Crystal The Snow Fairy Orchard Book 9781843626336 Jack Frost has promised not to

Цена: 1733 1127 руб.RUB

Категория: Книги, Детская литература, Литература на иностранных языках
Производитель: Orchard Book
Артикул: 9781843626336

Jack Frost has promised not to trouble the Rainbow Fairies again, but he didn't say anything about the Weather Fairies! Now he has stolen the feathers from Doodle, the weather-vane cockerel in charge of the weather. It's up to Rachel and Kirsty to get each of the feathers back from Jack Frost's goblins, with a little bit of help from the weather fairies. Rachel and Kirsty know that Crystal's snow feather is nearby, but can they find it and persuade the goblin to give it back...


Штрих-код: 9781843626336
Цвет: Голубой
ISBN: 9781843626336
Объем: 78
Ширина: 135 мм
Длина: 205 мм
Высота: 10 мм
Серия: Rainbow Magic
Автор: Meadows Daisy
Год: 2016
Вес: 78 г
Возрастное ограничение: 6
Группа: Книги
Обложка: мягкая обложка
vat: VAT_10

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