Single White Vampire Gollancz 9780575093836 The second novel in hot new

Single White Vampire Gollancz 9780575093836 The second novel in hot new

Цена: 2940 2058 руб.RUB

Производитель: Gollancz
Артикул: 9780575093836

The second novel in the hot new Argeneau vampire series. Roundhouse Publishing editor Kate C Leever's first letter to her new author was meant to impress upon him the growing demand for vampire romances. And even though he'd expressed little-to-no desire for any publicity, book tours, or similar, it was clear this was an author just waiting to be broken out - despite himself, if necessary. When she suggested attending a romance convention his response - unusually quick to arrive - was succinct: 'No.' But Kate was adamant: Mr Lucern Argeneau was going to attend a romance convention and meet his fans. By hook or by crook, despite his reclusive nature and odd sleep patterns, the surly yet handsome author would attend. And she was sure that, once there, he would reveal himself to be a true charmer. Of course, that was before she realised that his 'romances' were more like biographies and it's literally her neck on the line...

Магазин: Лабиринт

ISBN: 9780575093836
Серия: Argeneau Vampire
Автор: Sands Lynsay
Издательство: Gollancz
Год: 2010
Возрастное ограничение: 0
Категория: Фэнтези на английском языке

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