Black Swan Green Sceptre 978 0 340 82280 7 Its a dank January in the

Black Swan Green Sceptre 978 0 340 82280 7 It's a dank January in the

Цена: 2777 1806 руб.RUB

Категория: Иностранная литература, Книги на английском языке, Художественная литература на английском языке, Современная художественная литература на английском языке, Современная проза на английском языке
Производитель: Sceptre
Артикул: 978-0-340-82280-7

It's a dank January in the Worcestershire village of Black Swan Green and thirteen-year-old Jason Taylor - covert stammerer and reluctant poet - anticipates a stultifying year in the deadest village on Earth. But Jason hasn't reckoned with a junta of bullies, simmering family discord, the Falklands War, an exotic Belgian emigre, a threatened gypsy invasion and the caprices of those mysterious entities known as girls. BLACK SWAN GREEN charts thirteen months in the black hole between childhood and adolescence, set against the sunset of an agrarian England still overshadowed by the Cold War. Wry, painful, funny and vibrant with the stuff of life, it is David Mitchell's subtlest and most captivating achievement to date.


Штрих-код: 9780340822807
Цвет: Жёлтый
ISBN: 978-0-340-82280-7
Объем: 370
Ширина: 130 мм
Длина: 198 мм
Высота: 23 мм
Автор: Митчелл Дэвид
Год: 2014
Вес: 270 г
Группа: Книги
Обложка: мягкая обложка
vat: VAT_10

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