Duotone: Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design Hoaki 9788417656539 Now

Duotone: Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design Hoaki 9788417656539 Now

Цена: 6671 руб.RUB

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Категория: Книги, Про дизайн / Про моду, Дизайн, Графический дизайн
Производитель: Hoaki
Артикул: 9788417656539

Now in paperback, Duotone explores the possibilities and applications of two-colour printing technique, which uses either two shades of the same colour, black and one tint, or two different colours. This method brings out middle tones and highlights, and its results are vibrant, colourful and stunning, generating maximum expressivity while minimizing production costs. The wide selection of projects in the book covers different design categories, from logos, brochures, posters, packaging materials, book covers, posters and exhibition materials to screen designs for corporate websites and promotional microsites. The variety of designs reveals the magic of duotone techniques and how designers and artists make full use of its possibilities to create dramatic and dynamic compositions. Duotone is the next big trend in graphic design. It enhances readability, makes the most of minimalist designs without overwhelming the eye, and is the perfect way to effortlessly create unforgettable atmospheres.

Магазин: Podpisnie

ISBN: 9788417656539
Язык: Английский
Объем: 240
Автор: Wang Shaoqiang (,Wang Shaoqiang (
Формат: 203x273,Мягкий
Издательство: Hoaki
Год: 2022
Количество страниц: 240
Переплет: Мягкий
Count: 1
Авторы: Wang Shaoqiang (
Год публикации: 2022
Ссылки на авторов: https://www.podpisnie.ru/categories/knigi/filter/Автор_wang-shaoqiang

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