Pilgrims Way Bloomsbury 9781526653475 Dear Catherine  he began

Pilgrims Way Bloomsbury 9781526653475 Dear Catherine he began

Цена: 3544 2304 руб.RUB

Категория: Иностранная литература, Книги на английском языке, Художественная литература на английском языке, Современная художественная литература на английском языке, Современная проза на английском языке
Производитель: Bloomsbury
Артикул: 9781526653475

Dear Catherine, he began. Here I sit, making a meal out of asking you to dinner. I don't really know how to do it. To have cultural integrity, I would have to send my aunt to speak, discreetly, to your aunt, who would then speak to your mother, who would speak to my mother, who would speak to my father, who would speak to me and then approach your mother, who would then approach you. Demoralised by small persecutions and the squalor and poverty of his life, Daud takes refuge in his imagination. He composes wry, sardonic letters hectoring friends and enemies, and invents a lurid colonial past for every old man he encounters. His greatest solace is cricket and the symbolic defeat of the empire at the hands of the mighty West Indies. Although subject to attacks of bitterness and remorse, his captivating sense of humour never deserts him as he struggles to come to terms with the horror of his past and the meaning of his pilgrimage to England.

Магазин: My-shop.ru

Штрих-код: 9781526653475
ISBN: 9781526653475
Объем: 300
Ширина: 130 мм
Длина: 197 мм
Высота: 20 мм
Автор: Gurnah Abdulrazak
Год: 2021
Вес: 220 г
Группа: Книги
Обложка: мягкая обложка
vat: VAT_10

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