A Hundred Million Francs Puffin 9780141368719 bunch of scruffy urchin kids in

A Hundred Million Francs Puffin 9780141368719 bunch of scruffy urchin kids in

Цена: 2889 1878 руб.RUB

Категория: Книги, Детская литература, Литература на иностранных языках
Производитель: Puffin
Артикул: 9780141368719

A bunch of scruffy urchin kids in the backstreets of Paris outwit thieves to uncover the whereabouts of millions of francs stolen from the Paris-Ventimiglia express. Gaby is the leader, but it is super-cool Marion with her collection of stray dogs who is the heart of the gang. It all begins when a local villain offers the children a fortune for their 'horse' - a headless rocking horse, given old tricycle wheels that they 'ride' down the steep cobbled street, but they don't want to part with it. Then, a few days later, the horse is stolen, and so begins an adventure that is full of twists and turns, leading to a satisfying conclusion when the villains receive their comeuppance.

Магазин: My-shop.ru

Штрих-код: 9780141368719
ISBN: 9780141368719
Объем: 264
Ширина: 130 мм
Длина: 197 мм
Высота: 17 мм
Серия: A Puffin Book
Автор: Berna Paul
Год: 2016
Вес: 197 г
Группа: Книги
Обложка: мягкая обложка
vat: VAT_10

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