The Story  Loss Great Short Stories for Women by Head of Zeus 9781781856659 I

The Story Loss Great Short Stories for Women by Head of Zeus 9781781856659 'I

Цена: 3191 2075 руб.RUB

Категория: Иностранная литература, Книги на английском языке, Художественная литература на английском языке, Современная художественная литература на английском языке, Современная проза на английском языке
Производитель: Head of Zeus
Артикул: 9781781856659

'I think few of the stories in Loss will leave readers cold...' Victoria Hislop, bestselling author and champion of the short story, has chosen her favourite short stories by women writers. Here are prizewinners, famous wits, well-known feminists, national treasures and rising stars. All the stories in this volume are about loss: lost lives, lost loves, lost innocence, even a lost leopard. The many ways in which loss touches our lives are shown in these varied stories. Contributors: Katherine Mansfield, Elizabeth Bowen, Dorothy Parker, Shirley Jackson, Flannery O'Connor, Elizabeth Taylor, Jean Rhys, Anna Kavan, Muriel Spark, Ellen Gilchrist, Penelope Fitzgerald, Lorrie Moore, Hilary Mantel, Susan Hill, Colette Paul, Yiyun Li, Helen Simpson, Edna O'Brien, Edith Pearlman, Emma Donoghue, Carrie Tiffany and Lucy Wood.


Штрих-код: 9781781856659
ISBN: 9781781856659
Объем: 352
Ширина: 130 мм
Длина: 197 мм
Высота: 27 мм
Автор: Mantel Hilary, Munro Alice, Kavan Anna
Год: 2013
Вес: 350 г
Группа: Книги
Обложка: мягкая обложка
vat: VAT_10

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