Dark Matter  The New Science of Microbiome Penguin Life 9780241543979 From a

Dark Matter The New Science of Microbiome Penguin Life 9780241543979 From a

Цена: 7231 4701 руб.RUB

Категория: Иностранная литература, Книги на английском языке, Нехудожественная литература на английском языке, Научная и научно-популярная литература
Производитель: Penguin Life
Артикул: 9780241543979

From a world-leading microbiome scientist and surgeon with over two decades of experience comes Dark Matter - the definitive book on the science of the microbiome and how unlocking its potential can protect our health, our immunity and our planet. Why are we living longer, but not happier? The microbiome - our inner ecosystem of viruses, bacteria and other microbes - is critically important to our health and wellbeing. It is given to us by our mothers at birth, adapts with us as we age, influences our moods, determines how fast we run and even who we choose as a partner. Yet it is only now, as we are beginning to discover the microbiome's enormous potential, that we are realising it is in grave danger, being irrevocably destroyed through the globalisation of our diets, the war on bugs and the industrialised world. But we can look to reverse this damage. Drawing on cutting-edge research and years of clinical experience, Kinross shows how to unpack the microbiome's secrets, explaining that if we work with, not against, our microbes, we can live better, healthier lives.

Магазин: My-shop.ru

Штрих-код: 9780241543979
Цвет: Чёрный
ISBN: 9780241543979
Объем: 328
Ширина: 160 мм
Длина: 240 мм
Высота: 35 мм
Автор: Kinross James
Год: 2023
Вес: 562 г
Группа: Книги
Обложка: твердый переплёт, суперобложка
vat: VAT_10

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