Animal farm Penguin Books 978 0 14 103613 7 Mr Jones of Manor is so lazy

Animal farm Penguin Books 978 0 14 103613 7 Mr Jones of Manor is so lazy

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Категория: Художественная литература, Книги на иностранных языках, Книги на английском языке
Производитель: Penguin Books
Артикул: 978-0-14-103613-7

Mr Jones of Manor Farm is so lazy and drunken that one day he forgets to feed his livestock. The ensuing rebellion under the leadership of the pigs Napoleon and Snowball leads to the animals taking over the farm. Vowing to eliminate the terrible inequities of the farmyard, the renamed Animal Farm is organised to benefit all who walk on four legs. But as time passes, the ideals of the rebellion are corrupted, then forgotten. And something new and unexpected emerges. . . First published in 1945, Animal Farm - the history of a revolution that went wrong - is George Orwells brilliant satire on the corrupting influence of power.

Магазин: book24 RU

ISBN: 978-0-14-103613-7
Объем: 104
Автор: Orwell G.
Издательство: Penguin Books
Год: 2008
Код номенклатуры: ORS019278825411414
Электронная: Нет
noСкидка: no

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