The Promise Random House US 9781529113877 On a farm outside Pretoria

The Promise Random House US 9781529113877 On a farm outside Pretoria

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Категория: Книги, Книги на иностранных языках, Английский язык
Производитель: Random House US
Артикул: 9781529113877

On a farm outside Pretoria, the Swarts are gathering for Ma's funeral. The younger generation, Anton and Amor, detest everything the family stand for - not least their treatment of the Black woman who has worked for them her whole life. Salome was to be given her own house, her own land...yet somehow, that vow is carefully ignored. As each decade passes, and the family assemble again, one question hovers over them. Can you ever escape the repercussions of a broken promise?

Магазин: Podpisnie

ISBN: 9781529113877
Язык: Английский
Объем: 304
Автор: Galgut D.,Galgut D.
Формат: 140x230,Мягкий
Издательство: Random House US
Год: 2022
Количество страниц: 304
Переплет: Мягкий
Count: 2
Авторы: Galgut D.
Год публикации: 2022
Ссылки на авторов:Автор_galgut-d

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