Codename Suzette Allen & Unwin 9781925266832 The thrilling and previously untold

Codename Suzette Allen & Unwin 9781925266832 The thrilling and previously untold

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Категория: Книги, Книги на иностранных языках, Английский язык
Производитель: Allen & Unwin
Артикул: 9781925266832

The thrilling and previously untold true story of Suzanne Spaak, who abandoned her life of opulence to save the Jewish children of Occupied Paris during the Second World War. Suzanne Spaak was born into an affluent Belgian Catholic family and married into the country's leading political dynasty. Her brother-in-law was the prime minister while her husband Claude was a playwright and patron of the painter Rene Magritte. In occupied Paris she was part of the cultural elite and a neighbour of Colette and Jean Cocteau. But Suzanne was living a double life. Her friendship with a Polish Jewish refugee led her to her life's purpose. When France fell and the Nazis occupied Paris, she joined the Resistance. She used her fortune and social status to enlist allies among wealthy Parisians and church groups. Under the eyes of the Gestapo, Suzanne and women from the Jewish and Christian resistance groups 'kidnapped' hundreds of Jewish children to save them from the gas chambers. Codename Suzette is a masterpiece of research and narrative, bringing to life a truly remarkable woman and painting a vivid and unforgettable picture of wartime Paris.

Магазин: Podpisnie

ISBN: 9781925266832
Язык: Английский
Объем: 336
Автор: Nelson A.,Nelson A.
Формат: Мягкий,130x210
Издательство: Allen & Unwin
Год: 2018
Количество страниц: 336
Переплет: Мягкий
Count: 1
Авторы: Nelson A.
Год публикации: 2018
Ссылки на авторов:Автор_nelson-a

Codename Suzette Allen & Unwin 9781925266832

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