What the Dutch Like  A drawing book about painting Арка 978 5 91208 305 1 This

What the Dutch Like A drawing book about painting Арка 978 5 91208 305 1 This

Цена: 769 450 руб.RUB

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Категория: Художественная литература, Книги на иностранных языках, Книги на английском языке
Производитель: Арка
Артикул: 978-5-91208-305-1

This book is a coloring book, a drawing book and a notebook. There are fragments of pictures in it Dutch artists from the Hermitage collection. And also - drawings, records and a lot of space for you: paint over pictures, color, finish writing and think out! .Together with the characters of the paintings you can play, indulge and invent stories, to master the world, which the Dutch artists opened to us: the world, proportional to a simple person - the same as you!

Магазин: book24 RU

ISBN: 978-5-91208-305-1
Объем: 56
Серия: Что они любят
Автор: Dubrovskaya N.
Издательство: Арка
Год: 2018
Код номенклатуры: ORS401584857737311
Электронная: Нет
noСкидка: no

What the Dutch Like  A drawing book about painting Арка 978 5 91208 305 1What the Dutch Like  A drawing book about painting Арка 978 5 91208 305 1What the Dutch Like  A drawing book about painting Арка 978 5 91208 305 1What the Dutch Like  A drawing book about painting Арка 978 5 91208 305 1

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