Religion Vintage Books 978 1 78487 569 5 Because God is infinite

Religion Vintage Books 978 1 78487 569 5 Because God is infinite

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Категория: Художественная литература, Книги на иностранных языках, Книги на английском языке
Производитель: Vintage Books
Артикул: 978-1-78487-569-5

Because "God" is infinite, nobody can have the last word What is this thing, religion, supposedly the cause of bloodshed and warring for centuries? What is God and do we need Him in our modern world? Karen Armstrong looks again at these questions in a refreshing and startling way. God is not to be believed in as a child believes in Santa Claus
religion is not a story to be proven true or false, but a discipline akin to music or art that answers a deeply human need, and can teach us to discover new capacities of mind and heart. Selected from A Case for God, Fields of Blood and The Lost Art of Scripture VINTAGE MINIS: GREAT MINDS. BIG IDEAS. LITTLE BOOKS.

Магазин: book24 RU

ISBN: 978-1-78487-569-5
Объем: 100
Автор: Armstrong K.
Издательство: VintВозрастное ограничение Books
Год: 2019
Код номенклатуры: ORS498160193717994
Электронная: Нет
noСкидка: no

Religion Vintage Books 978 1 78487 569 5

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