Stephen Wilkes  Day to Night TASCHEN 9783836562690 Wilkes’s

Stephen Wilkes Day to Night TASCHEN 9783836562690 Wilkes’s

Цена: 15920 руб.RUB

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Категория: Книги, Книги о фотографии, Альбомы
Производитель: TASCHEN
Артикул: 9783836562690

Stephen Wilkes’s day-to-night portraits of iconic locations around the world. If you were to stand in one spot at an iconic location for 30 hours and simply observe, never closing your eyes, you still wouldn’t be able to take in all the detail and emotion found in a Stephen Wilkes panoramic photograph. Not only does Wilkes shoot over 1,500 exposures from a fixed angle, he also distills this visual information afterward in his studio, painstakingly composing selected frames into a single image. Day to Night presents 60 epic panoramas created between 2009 and 2018, shot everywhere from Africa’s Serengeti to the Champs-Elysees in Paris, from the Grand Canyon to Coney Island, from Trafalgar Square to Red Square. Each composition is a labor of love as well as patience. Wilkes waited more than two years to gain permission to photograph Pope Francis celebrating Easter mass in the Vatican, ultimately producing a vivid tableau in which the pontiff appears 10 times. The book also features extraordinary details—works of art in their own right that highlight the stories contained within each image. A bride makes her way through Central Park
in Tanzania, zebras gather around a near-invisible watering hole during a drought
in Rio de Janeiro, surfers come and go while a man holds a sign reading “No more than two questions per customer.” “It is exactly these small stories, these details, that draw people into the photographs,” says Wilkes. Once discovered, these mini narratives lend each composition a personal, candid feel. This collection takes us on a seamless trip from dawn to dark across the world’s most iconic locations, unveiling the unique ebb and flow of man-made and natural landmarks like never before. Multilingual Edition: English, French, German

Магазин: Podpisnie

ISBN: 9783836562690
Язык: Несколько языков
Объем: 260
Формат: 420x330,Твёрдый
Издательство: TASCHEN
Год: 2019
Количество страниц: 260
Переплет: Твёрдый
Count: 2
Год публикации: 2019

Stephen Wilkes  Day to Night TASCHEN 9783836562690Stephen Wilkes  Day to Night TASCHEN 9783836562690

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