She Rides Like the Wind: Story of Alfonsina Strada GESTALTEN 9783899558531

She Rides Like the Wind: Story of Alfonsina Strada GESTALTEN 9783899558531

Цена: 2461 руб.RUB

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Категория: Книги, Книги на иностранных языках, Книги на иностранных языках для детей
Производитель: GESTALTEN
Артикул: 9783899558531

She Rides Like the Wind is the story of Alfonsina Strada, a woman who loved to ride her bicycle, but had to fight hard for her dream. She Rides Like the Wind is based on the story of iconic cyclist Alfonsina Strada who represented the wheels of change breaking down gender barriers in the early 20th-century. Known as the Pedal Queen, she resisted conformity in 1924 by taking part in the prestigious Giro D Italia and many more races. Rich in illustrative color and packed with a mighty message about injustices sure to get you off your saddle, She Rides Like the Wind demonstrates that a single brave person can change society, prejudices, and how people think.

Магазин: Podpisnie

ISBN: 9783899558531
Язык: Английский
Объем: 48
Автор: NegresЦвет J.,NegresЦвет J.
Формат: 215x280,Твёрдый
Издательство: GESTALTEN
Год: 2020
Количество страниц: 48
Переплет: Твёрдый
Count: 1
Авторы: NegresЦвет J.
Год публикации: 2020
Ссылки на авторов:Автор_negresЦвет-j

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