The Hermitage  Netherlandish: Flemish Dutch Painting Арка 978 5 91208 332 7

The Hermitage Netherlandish: Flemish Dutch Painting Арка 978 5 91208 332 7

Цена: 659 руб.RUB

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Категория: Хобби и досуг, Культура и искусство, Музеи и коллекции
Производитель: Арка
Артикул: 978-5-91208-332-7

The Hermitage collection of the 15th and 16th-century Netherlandish painting contains about 100 works, among them several magnificent masterpieces by Robert Campin, Rogier van der Weyden and Lucas van Leyden. The Flemish school of 17th and 18th centuries is represented in the museum by the leading masters such as Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony van Dyck and Frans Snyders. The Hermitage holds numerous prized paintings from the 17th-century Dutch Golden Age. Included here are exquisite works by Rembrandt van Rijn, Frans Hals, Pieter de Hooch, Jacob van Ruisdael, and many other Dutch masters

Магазин: book24 RU

ISBN: 978-5-91208-332-7
Объем: 240
Автор: Yermakova P. (ред.)
Издательство: Арка
Год: 2018
Код номенклатуры: ORS310111815276429
Электронная: Нет
noСкидка: no

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